Friday, August 8, 2008

Preliminary Studies On The Phenomenon Of Propagated Sensation Along Channels Reaching Affected Area

Zhang Jin, Pei Tingfu, Luo Yuzhuo, Heilongjiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Li Yongguang, Anshan Commune Hospital of Yanshou County, Heilongjiang.

Zhang Mengxiang, Chaihe Commune Hospital of Hailin County, Heilongjiang.

Jiang Shuming,Wang Jingkui, et al, The Third Hospital of Haerbin, Heilongjiang.

Two thousand years ago, there were many fine and detailed descriptions about the traditional Chinese medical doctrine "the arrival of vital energy (qi) to the site of the disease", in other words, the reach of PSC to the lesion. This phenomenon is rather frequent to met at daily acupuncture clinic. Research of this phenomenon is significant for medical science.

In recent years, a survey had been made with 4172 cases and 163 out of them appeared this phenomenon (3.9%).

Pulse electric or heat-electric stimulation was used on the twelve Jing-points, the electrode is either round plate (0.5 cm in diameter) or Dizhen, one type of the nine needles recommended in Neijing. For the short PSC relay was supplemented. The time of stimulation for each point was not less than 2 minutes. The frequency, intensity and temperature were regulated as necessary for the manifestation of PSC and patient's comfort. The percentage of appearance of PSC reaching the lesion was 24.5 for some patients when more attention was paid and the stimulation was suitable the percentage could be increased up to 91.8 for deaf-mutes after repeated short course relays.

In one group of 41 cases including pulmonary, hepatic, renal, gastro-intestinal, ENT, nervous and bony diseases, the rate of PSC reaching the lesion through their own channels was 86.7%. The rest were by the exterior or interior channel of the diseased channel. In some cases, the propagated sensation of all the channels reached the affected area. The diagnosis of these patients was accurate, e.g. the changes were confirmed by X-ray films and ECG and so on.

Observation of 711 PSC showed that the rate of PSC reaching the affected area was markedly increased by control of manipulations such as pushing, pressing, tracing and palpating. The rate of occurrence of PSC was also markedly increased by repeated short relays. Followed the increase of occurrence of PSC the rate PSC reaching the affected area increased correspondingly.

It is closely related that "the PSC reaching the affected area" and "the efficiency developes when the PSC has reached". Most clinical manifestations will be soon improved as the PSC has been reaching the lesion. There is no dispute upon the fact of PSC reaching affected area because evidence is plentiful for such phenomenon. To increase the rate of PSC reaching the affected area by means of well mastering the skill and regulating the stimulation is very significant for promotion of efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment.

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