Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Studies On The Phenomenon Of Latent Propagated Sensation Along Channels: Ii. Investigation Of The Latent PSC On The 12 Main Channels

Yu Shuzhuang, Zhang Min, An Suqi, Yang Shuying, Zhang Shuyuan, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Zhu Zongxiang, Institute of Biophysics, Academia Sinica.

He Qingnian, Beijing Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Applying an electric impulsation at the Jing points and then knocking on the skin surface along the lines perpendicular to the channels and crossing the acupuncture points, latent propagated sensation along the 12 main channels was examined respectively on 200 patients at acupuncture clinic. Of the cases examined , 68.5% was found to have positive latent PSC. No prominent difference was found among the 12 main channels. Of the 133 cases with latent PSC being determined, 79.6% can be traced out above the elbow or knee joint, 42.8% above shoulder or hip joint and 21.8% throughout the whole channels. The traces of the latent PSC as well as the prominent one are all coincident with the classical channels described in the Chinese ancient medical literature.

In patients with higher sensitivity of latent PSC and those with marked PSC as well, the traces of the latent PSC can be located simply by knocking (i.e. without electric impulsation at the Jing points) and the range of sensation is about 0.5 centimeter in width. Furthermore, in cases with prominent PSC, the latent sensation lines were always found to be a continuation of the prominent ones.

The above mentioned results indicate that the latent PSC is a common phenomenon among the masses. This phenomenon as well as the prominent PSC is specific to the channel course of the skin surface. Thus the evidence of the existence of channel system is further substantiated.

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