2). Musical Acupuncture, music only (40 minutes).
Both sections begin at 65 beats a minute and gradually slow to 50 beats a minute.
Welcome to MUSICAL ACUPUNCTURE. Since this is a concept that I developed in my music therapy private practice over the last 15 years. I will explain what I mean by the term Musical Acupuncture. First of all, acupuncture is the ancient oriental medical practice of inserting needles just under the skin at specific "pressure points" on the body. There are meridians on the body which have been documented by the Chinese with specific powerful points, that when stimulated with needles or pressure, change the energy flow in the body. For example, there is a kidney meridian and heart meridian. Stimulating a point on the ear that relates to the kidney meridian, will also effect every other "pressure point" on that meridian.
The theory is that the body has a wisdom beyond our understanding. This wisdom is called "chi" energy. By stimulating the pressure points, you help the chi energy to be activated and therefore natural healing can occur. For example, pain in the body is caused by energy blocks. Acupuncture moves energy so that the body can remove blocks thereby healing and reducing pain.
I developed the musical acupuncture concept after working with many different clients with chronic pain, arthritis and other stress related physocal problems. Music conducts and moves energy the same way that acupuncture needles allow energy to move. On this CD you will experience how music can be very similar to an acupuncture treatment. Enjoy this innovative technique.
Price: $18.98
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