A 30 yearsold female suffered from pyelonephritis and neurosis was sensitive to PSC. The PSC phenomenon was induced on the patient by needling selected points of the fourteen channels according to the ancient classics of traditional Chinese medicine. A special phenomenon of the patient was that no matter which of the channel points was punctured, the PSC was always issued. Consequently the patient fell asleep when the PSC appeared over its whole course. The total number of acupuncture was about 50 times during her hospitalization and every time developed the similar phenomenon as described above. The clinical manifestations as well as EEG, ECG were recorded before and after acupuncture. When the patient had been falling into asleep, the eyelids closed gradually, the muscles relaxed, the head turned down, the respiration and pulse rate decreased markedly, the heel-tap reflex was normal, the plantar reflex was lost and she could not hold herself erect. During sleeping enuresis occurred, the EEG showed the pattern of light sleep, the à amplitude increased markedly from 50 µv to 75 µv, the à rhythm decreased from 9 c/s to 8 c/s and the fusiform à rhythm occurred gradually. With the stimulation of flashing light, the rhythms were inhibited and lasted for 5 seconds.
According to the clinical manifestations and the EEG records, the sleep follows acupuncture, is a normal light sleep state, therefore, the authors consider that the PSC is closely related to the cerebral cortex.
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