Friday, August 8, 2008

On Propagated Sensation Along Channels Based On The Acupuncture Analgesia

PSC Research Group, Changchun Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

This article deals with interrelations between the analgesic action of acupuncture and PSC. 699 patients with 8 kinds of painful diseases were observed and 11 common points of 8 channels were acupunctured.

Results: 259 patients presented PSC during application of acupuncture. The PSC of 39 cases of the 259 reached the loci of lesions and all of them had excellent consequence, the pain was thoroughly eliminated for 33 cases and improved for 6 cases. The rate of efficacy of acupuncture analgesia for patients with presence of PSC was 98.6% and 59.8% for patients without PSC. The efficacy of the analgesia and the amount of PSC presented were proportional. The better the PSC the more rapid and excellent is the analgesic efficacy. This suffices to verify the objectivity and validity of the doctrines of traditional Chinese medicine that "where the PSC ranges, there will the chief site be for application of acupuncture" and "the sooner occurrence of the needling reaction the better is the effect and vice versa". In the field of acupuncture anesthesia and analgesia, the efficacy will be increased when selection of point, manipulation and regulation of PSC are well mastered.

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