Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Study Of The Relationships Between The Points Of The Channels And Peripheral Nerves

Zhou Peihua, Qian Peide, Huang Dangkai, Department of Anatomy, Shanghai First Medical College.

Gu Huayun, Wang Huiren, Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai First Medical College.

8 adult cadavers, 49 deteched upper extremities and 24 lower extremities were used to study the topographical relations of 324 points of the 12 Channels and Renmai, with special references in relation to the distributions of the peripheral nerves. For the sake of the convenience of palpating the points of the different channels according to the surface anatomy vividly, and in order to preserve the normal topographical relationship during the insertion of the acupuncture needles, the cadavers were preserved with special prepared glycero-formo-alcohol mixture. Histological structures including the morphological characteristics of the 21 points, especially "Neiguan" with its surrounding nerve endings was carefully examined.

In this study it was found that most points, 323 out of 324, could be located to the nervous structure, related either to the branches of the cranial or the spinal. There were evidences that all of the channels where the points were lying in could be traced to certain peripheral nerves.

1. The nerve supply of the point and of the related viscera can be traced to the same spinal segment or around that segment.

2. Each pairs of "Yin" and "Yang" or "inner" and "outer" channels can usually be located at the same spinal segment communicating with different side branches, overlapping or anastomosing one another.

3. Regarding to the nervous structure near by the 21 points, each has its particular density of distribution, including the size and the arrangement. In addition, individual structures of related nerve endings are different each other.

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