Sunday, August 10, 2008

Preliminary Research On Morphological Basis Of The Essence Of Channel And The Afferent Pathway Of Needling Sensation

1) Innervation of Small Vessels and Their Relationship to Jingluo, Qi and Blood

Department of Morphology, Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

200 male albino rats and a few cats and monkeys were used in our experiment, moreover, some human tissues excised from 89 surgical operations were also observed. All materials were divided into two classes: (1) The somatic portion, including deep and superficial somatic connective tissues (subcutis, intermuscular connective tissue, sarcolemma), capsule of the knee-joint and skeletal musle. (2) The visceral portion including visceral serous membrane (mesentery, pericardium  etc.) and visceral organ (heart, stomach, liver, urinary bladder etc). All were fresh tissues excised and processed into stretch preparation or cryostat section. The catecholamine in the peripheral tissue were treated with formaldehyde or glyoxylic acid to demonstrate adrenergic nerve by fluorescent microscopy. When acetylthiocholine was used as substrate, and the iso-OMPA (which is a selective irreversible inhibitor of nonspecific ChE) added to the incubation medium, AChE reaction was induced. (AChE is a marker of cholinergic nerve.)

The above mentioned tissues of human or animal have both adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals surrounding the small vessels that can be seen by microscopy. They are only distributed in small arteries, arterioles and precapillary arteries, i.e. in the resistance vessels but not in the capacity vessels. By applying the consecutive method to develop AChE and NE in these same tissues, a dual innervation was shown on the same arteriole. The courses of some of the dual innervation of adrenergic and cholinergic nerve fibers, are superimposed on the arteriole, while others are diversed on it. It has been well known that they are vasomotor nerves, and it is possible that both nerve terminals release neurotransmitters that act upon the arteriole interactively and separately. After sympathetic superior cervical ganglionectomy, the adrenergic nerves surrounding the small vessels of the innervated field degenerated both with most of the cholinergic nerves. We suggest that most of them belong to the sympathetic postganglionic fibers.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers that: "Jingluo are passages distributed in the human body in which blood and qi circulate." It was also stated in the ancient books that "Yin (blood) courses within the channel, wei  (qi) courses outside the channel," etc. According to these indications in "Ling Shu" and "Difficulty Classics", we suggest that jingluo is mainly constituted of artery, vein and capillary. These are of known structures. The adrenergic and cholinergic nerve terminals surrounding the small vessels discovered in our experiment are the "wei" (qi), which belong to the unknown structures. This we postulate the hypothesis that the sympathetic nervous system is an important part of the jingluo structure, supported by our research finding and corresponds to the view point of our ancestors.

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